Your Library,
Your Future

This levy is a .5 mill operating levy RENEWAL for the Mercer County District Library (Ohio) that will provide about 25% of its operating funds for five years. This is the same amount of funding that Mercer County voters have approved since 2009.

Your Library,
Your Future

This levy is a .5 mill operating levy RENEWAL for the Mercer County District Library (Ohio) that will provide about 20% of its operating funds for five years. This is the same amount of funding that Mercer County voters have approved since 2009.

About the Levy

• The original levy replaced a 25% funding cut to the Public Library Fund by the State of Ohio in 2008.

• This is a renewal of the .5 mil levy passed by voters in 2009 and renewed in 2013 and 2018.  

• A home valued at $100,000 would cost approximately $14 per year or $1.17 per month.
• The renewal levy is projected to raise $317,000 per year.
• The projected annual budget for the District Library System in 2023 was $1.6 million.

The library has published a fact sheet. Find it on the library’s website here



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In vulputate felis vel odio porttitor lobortis. Vivamus interdum efficitur leo, quis dictum lectus. Fusce convallis risus non lectus aliquam malesuada. Vestibulum vehicula, felis ac porttitor viverra

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About the Levy
About the Library
Voter Information

Why Libraries Matter

A video series by the American Library Association about the importance of libraries and show the economic, educational and social value of libraries.